Wednesday 17 June 2020

17 June Show and Tell

17 June Last Zoom lessons

Week 11 Wednesday Challenge and Music

Wednesday Challenge

How to make a recycled marble run?

Try to do this activity at home. Take a video and then upload it in the Tapestry. Name this activity “The World” Take a video and upload it in the Tapestry.

Kindy Music 16th June


Here are two new songs for us to learn today;

The Solar System Song

Rock Paper Scissors Song


Five Little Ducks

Shapes Song

Our Top Ten playlist;

PE Wednesday 17/06/2020

Good morning everyone and welcome to your last digital PE lesson.

Tomorrow we are all back in school and we will be doing our Health and Fitness lessons live and in person. On the days that you have a Health and Fitness lesson you should come to school in your PE kit and you will stay in your PE kit for the whole day.

For your last Digital lesson here is your 
Wake Up Workout

Here is your Core Movement Workout

I am looking forward to seeing you all again in school and being able to teach you live and in person when we have our Health and Fitness lessons.

Have a great last day of Digital learning
See you all tomorrow.

Mr. Russell

Tuesday 16 June 2020

16 June Show and Tell

16 June Zoom

Week 11 Tuesday Challenge

Good Morning everyone!

Tuesday Challenge:

Animal dance and Freeze

Take a video of  this activity and upload it in the Tapestry.

PE Tuesday 16/06/2020

Your Wake Up Workout

Your Main Workout

Remember today is the last day to submit your challenge videos
So if you haven't had a go at this week's challenge today is the day.
Don't forget to upload your challenge video to your class tapestry with #PE in the notes section.

New Challenge tomorrow

LIVE PE on Thursday

Mr. Russell

Monday 15 June 2020

15 June Zoom

W11 Homework Pack and Monday Challenge

Good morning everyone! Welcome to Monday

Week 11 Homework Pack for Blue Group

Monday Challenge

Please stick the picture in the big book. Then ask your child these questions and write down their comments in the big book. Get them to speak in complete sentences. Take a picture and upload it in the Tapestry and name this activity: Speaking.

PE Start of Week 11 15/06/2020

Your Monday morning Wake Up Workout

Your Main Workout for today

Remember your challenge ends at the end of the day on Tuesday so you still have time to practice and get in a final attempt, don't forget to upload your attempts to your class tapestry with #PE in the notes section.

New Challenge on Wednesday
LIVE PE on Thursday


Friday 12 June 2020

12 June Zoom

W10 Friday Challenge

Good morning everyone!

Are you ready for number challenge? 
 Play this game and practise your number skills.


Please join in 'Live Assembly' at 9am today.

We will be having ‘Live Music’ with teacher from ISB Bandar (Mr Paul England) today at 10.30am. No Zoom sessions at 10am and 10.30am today. Please see the Meeting ID and password in the newsletter.

Kindy Music 


Here are two new songs for us to learn today;

Vehicles ABC Song

Colors Song 2


I've Been Working on the Railway

Hello Song for Kids

Our Top Ten playlist;

PE End of Week 10 12/06/2020

Here is your end of week Wake Up Workout

Here is some Yoga to help you unwind ready for the weekend

Have a great weekend

Mr. Russell

Thursday 11 June 2020

11 June Zoom

W10 Thursday Challenge

Good morning everyone!

Thursday Challenge:

Dear Zoo

Listen to the story. Can you retell the story in English? Can you create a different ending to the story?

Take a video and upload it in the Tapestry. 

PE TakeOver Thursday 11/06/2020

Apologies for the lack of video this morning but I have had a small technical issue so this is just a Photo.

Welcome to Take Over Thursday where I will once again be taking over your class for 
LIVE PE at 0900

Here is your Wake Up Workout

Your Main Workout today is your LIVE PE at 0900
Please can we try and get as many of you in this workout as possible to make this the best PE TakeOver we have ever done.
I look forward to seeing you all at 0900, until then enjoy your Wake Up Workout and I will speak to you all a little later.

Mr. Russell

Wednesday 10 June 2020

10 June Zoom

W10 Wednesday Challenge

Good morning everyone!

Today challenge is:  How To Make A Lemon Volcano

Try to do this activity at home. Take a video and then upload it in the Tapestry. Name this activity “The World” .

PE Wednesday 10/06/2020

Here is your mid week Wake Up Workout

Here is a Fundamentals Workout

Finally some Cosmic Yoga

Your challenge for this week is:
Bounce and Catch
Count each time you catch the ball, how many catches can you do in 30s, how many catches can you do in a row without dropping the ball?

Remember your challenge runs until the end of Tuesday next week.

LIVE PE TakeOver Tomorrow at 0900
Lets make this the best one yet with everyone there.

Have a great Wednesday
Mr. Russell

Tuesday 9 June 2020

9 June Show and Tell

9 June Zoom

W10 Tuesday Challenge

Good morning everyone!

Tuesday Challenge:

Join the dance –

"I got the Rhythm"


Take a video of  this activity and upload in the Tapestry.

PE Tuesday 09/06/2020

Here is your Wake Up Workout

Here is your main workout

Remember today is the last day to submit your challenge videos from the challenge I set you on Wednesday last week, so if you have not had a go yet please have a go and do your best.
Don't forget to record your attempt and then send it to your class Tapestry with the #PE in the notes section. Good Luck.

New challenge set tomorrow, and LIVE PE TakeOver on Thursday at 0900

Have a great day

Monday 8 June 2020

Week 10 Zoom

W10 Homework Pack and Monday Challenge

Good morning everyone! 

Please ask your child these questions and write down their comments in the big book. Get them to speak in full sentences. Take a picture and upload it in the Tapestry and name this activity: Speaking.


Show and Tell schedule for Week 10 

Blue group
Yellow group
Tuesday, 9 June
 Danish, Zaheen
Wednesday, 10 June

Show and Tell topic for this week: Tell us about your past vacation with your family. Where is the most exciting place you have been in the past year? Can you show us some pictures of the places that you have been? What did you see? What did you do? Parents, please teach your child what to say. Thank you for your support.

PE Start of Week 10 08/06/2020

I hope you all had a great weekend and were able to do some exercise between rain storms and had a go at this weeks challenge set on Wednesday.

To get your week started here is a quick Wake Up Workout for you.

Here is your main workout for the start of Week 10

Below are the individual Fundamentals videos

Don't forget your weekly challenge ends at the end of the day on Tuesday so make sure you remember to have a go and send in your video to your class Tapestry.

New Challenge will be set on Wednesday

LIVE PE TakeOver on Thursday

Have a Great Week

Mr. Russell

Friday 5 June 2020

5 June Zoom

W9 Friday Challenge

Good morning Friday!

Play this game and practise your positional languages.

Take a video and upload it in the Tapestry.

PE End of Week 9 05/06/2020

Your Wake Up Workout

Some Yoga to help get ready for the weekend
or some cosmic Yoga below

Don't forget to have a few attempts at your challenge that I set this week.

Have a lovely weekend
See you Monday for some more Digital PE

Mr. Russell

Thursday 4 June 2020

4 June Zoom

W9 Thursday Challenge

Good morning everyone! Are you ready for Thursday Challenge?

How to do Milk Painting?
Try to do this activity at home. Can you tell me about your painting? Take a video and then upload it in the Tapestry. Name this activity “Writing”.

PE LIVE TakeOver 04/06/2020

Here is your Wake Up Workout

Your main Workout for today will be your LIVE PE TakeOver at 0900

As mentioned the other day I am going to start giving you information regarding the names of exercises and how to do them, as Yoga is something relatively new to me I had to do some research and I found a really useful resource that I am now sharing with you.

Below is a link to the Yoga resource that I have been using for your Yoga workouts.
The Password to access the files is:

See You ALL at 0900 for LIVE PE

Mr. Russell

Wednesday 3 June 2020

3 June Zoom

W9 Wednesday Challenge & Music

Good morning everyone!

Join the dance challenge –

Take a video of  this activity and upload in the Tapestry.

Music Tuesday


Here are two new songs for us to learn today;

Five Little Ducks

Shapes Song


10 of our favourite songs to review and enjoy;

Listen and Compose Activity

Use Music Lab to create your own piece of music.

PE Wednesday 03/06/2020

Your Wake Up Workout

Your Yoga Workout 

Your challenge this week is The Sock Ball Toss
You will need 5-10 sock balls and a basket.
Here is a video on how to make a sock ball (please note you do not have to do the sewing bit just the part in the first minute)
Here is a video showing what to do for the challenge. 
You can do this version where you challenge yourself to get 5 sock balls in the basket before moving back or you can just start with one sock ball in the basket before moving back.
Your challenge runs until the end of the day on Tuesday.

Good Luck with your Challenge this week

Remember LIVE PE TakeOver at 0900 Tomorrow
See You ALL There

Mr. Russell

Tuesday 2 June 2020

2Jun Zoom

W9 Tuesday 2nd June

Good morning everyone and welcome back to virtual learning!

Tuesday Challenge

Please ask your child these questions and write down their comments in the big book. Get them to speak in full sentences. Take a picture and upload it in the Tapestry and name this activity: Speaking.

PE Start of Week 9 02/06/2020

Welcome back everyone I hope you are all rested and ready for the 2nd half of Term 3
I will be posting more videos as we go through the next couple of weeks with exercises for you to learn and also putting those exercises into workouts in preparation for your return to school.

Until we can see each other we will continue as we were before the half term break with a new challenge set each Wednesday and LIVE PE Takeover on Thursday.

To start your week off here is your 
Wake Up Workout

Here is an Early Years Workout

And some Cosmic Yoga

You don't have to do all of these activities if you don't want to but I would like you to do the Wake Up Workout and the Early Years Workout.

Have a lovely day

Mr. Russell

Friday 22 May 2020



22May Zoom

Week 8 - Friday Challenge

Good morning everyone. 

Friday challenge

Can you find something different?
Can you find and draw...?


Please join in 'Live Assembly' at 9am today.

We will be having ‘Live Music’ with teacher from ISB Bandar (Mr Paul England) today at 10.30am. No Zoom sessions at 10am and 10.30am today. Please see the Meeting ID and password in the newsletter.

Mid-Term Break Audio Library

You can use Oxford Owl to look for some audio books.

Oxford Owl Library

Amazon Audible provides free audio books for children at the moment for a month. 
Enjoy browsing and listening to some stories at home 😉

Have a great mid-term break and we will see you all on Tuesday, 2nd June 2020. ðŸ˜Š

PE End Of Week 8 22/05/2020

Here is your Wake Up Workout

Here is the Joint ISB Bandar and Seria Workout

Remember to:

Do at least 30 min activity every day during the holiday

Keep Active, Eat Healthy and Stay Happy

You have all done an amazing job this half term,
Have a great holiday,
I will see you all again after the Half Term Break.

Mr. Russell

Thursday 21 May 2020

21May Zoom

Week 8 Thursday Challenge

Good morning everyone!

Challenge 1:  Pirate Chicken- All Hens on Deck

Listen to the story. When and where does the story take place? What is the story about?  Who are the main characters in the story? What happens in the beginning of the story? What are the important events in this story? What is the problem in this story? How does the problem get resolved? How does the story end? Can you retell the story in English? Can you create a different ending to the story?
Remember to use these words when retelling the story: One day, and then, after that, finally, the End. Record it and upload it in the Tapestry.
Note: We encourage every child to retell the story using longer sentences. You may use the questions listed as above and the pictures in the book as a guide to support your child to retell the story from the beginning till to the end. You might need to listen to the story many times until your child is familiar with the story before starting retelling a story.

Have a great day!